once again i had the opportunity to (quite spontaneously) work on a clip for “So Geht Sächsisch“.
the conception and visual production were done by Manicx GmbH, from my side is everything you hear (except the voice, which is that of our highly esteemed Jörg Simmat). that means sound effects, the score (based on a well-known german folk song), mixing, and mastering.
does one actually know the here omnipresent nutcrackers outside german lands? 🤔
seems, they are working on that …
there are worse invasions, however; i wish you all a peaceful christmas time.🎄☃️
a preview edit of the first sequel of a series of five. produced end of 2020, it’s the by-product of a photographic work eusepia lehe did for a grant. so video shooting was rather quick & dirty. – sooo dirty, look at this grain:) only light source was the moon. exposed already 360°, once around the shutter wheel. motion blurs. boundaries dissolve (and that indeed looks much better, almost pleasing, before it gets squashed by the youtube compressor. at least the grain is sharp and tight in the offline master file); but that’s life: dark at night. no clear vision; trust your ears, trust your scent! because the editing process is on ice, i’ve chosen to upload this one anyhow, since the finish line might be ten years away … – if ever reached …
no money, no time … – you know this mundane affliction);
in any case, the subject was the epidemic, which was still a very hot issue at the time. eusepia targeted social distancing. for my part, in “fever harvest” i took the liberty of contrasting it with another topic that was just as pressing at the time, especially in germany, but completely underexposed in the media. particularly if one considers that our handling of it was (and still is) so completely different: the individual counts for nothing, vaccination is done with a leaden bullet. no noteworthy efforts to deal with the very unpleasant african swine fever on a medical level. i understand that – who should pay for this crazy undertaking?! but to kill masses of healthy wild animals to protect the sales of the pig fattening industry is quite a special kind of health care. fortunately, the measures against covid-19 were not that bad. because we value everyone’s right to integrity and love life.
produziert und gemischt als ein binaurales erlebnis, immersiv und niedrigschwellig: der griff zum bescheidenen mittel des kopfhörers (in umschreibenden worten: keine 5.1-, keine stereo-anlage; keine 11.4.irgendwas – zwei kleine lautsprecher: einen links, einen rechts; direkt aufs ohr. (sorry dafür, aber sonst schmeckt die suppe nicht.)) in ruhiger umgebung eröffnet sich dir eine welt wie die unsere – hinter geschlossenen augen.
ein auftakt zu einer großen antikriegserklärung;
durch die uns umgebenden jahrzehnte, zweifel und hoffnungen zu unseren möglichkeiten und der erkenntnis: die zukunft findet statt!!
(auch wenn die nächste episode noch ein paar hundert arbeitsstunden auf sich warten lassen wird ..:(
nothing more to say.
though the search engines required me
to throw in some more words …
– guess no one will search for this anyway …
what should they even look for?
sleeping kids? talking horses? a snappy horse beat?
who would do that?
for the sake of making words, who would do that?!
eine oszillatorische Annäherung an Konzepte wie Seele und Insektensterben
Dazu zwei weiterführende Punkte:
zur Seele: glaub, was du willst …
zum Insektensterben: handle!!
Dass die Situation recht kritisch ist, sollte kaum jemandem entgangen sein; falls doch, hier nochmal eine Zusammenfassung zum Thema: “Der globale Insektenzusammenbruch” https://www.spektrum.de/kolumne/der-globale-insektenzusammenbruch/1611020 Wer schon alles weiß, sollte trotzdem auch die “Fünf Tipps für den Insektenschutz daheim” am Ende des Artikels beachten. Und da ist neben dem “Warten auf die Politik” noch ein wichtiger sechster Punkt, den viele ungern hören und verdrängen: kauft “Bio”! ( bio(s), griechischer Wortstamm βίος „Leben“:)
Few years ago, as we were hollowing out our house, I stumbled upon these scenes; Don’t we know that children are adepts at turning shit to gold? So it’s a breeze for him to turn these thrown away bricks into something beautiful …
Unfortunately, I only had my phone with me (taking into account the fact that I should have been working too …?), so everything besides our beloved dog was shot with my phone. But hey, I think it did the job quite well;] This implicates that everything you hear was created afterward by me doing heavy foley. Only the drilling hammer was extracted from the phones footage.